Heatmap can use color changes to reflect the data information in a two-dimensional matrix or table, and it can intuitively express the size of the data value in a defined color depth. The data is often clustered on the abundance similarity between species or samples as needed, and the clustered data is displayed on the heatmap. The high-abundance and low-abundance species can be grouped together by color gradient and similarity degree. Reflect the similarity and difference of community composition of multiple samples at each classification level. The result can be rainbow or black and red.
Project name | Heatmap service |
Our advantages |
Sample requirements | Our heatmap service requires you to provide specific requirements. |
Screening cycle | Decide according to your needs. |
Deliverables | We provide you with raw data and analysis service. |
Price | Inquiry |
CD ComputaBio' heatmap service can significantly reduce the cost and labor of the subsequent experiments. Heatmap service is a personalized and customized innovative scientific research service. Each project needs to be evaluated before the corresponding analysis plan and price can be determined. The key fact is that only one variable is involved. Heatmap service can yield misleading results in cases in which multivariate analysis is more appropriate. If you want to know more about service prices or technical details, please feel free to contact us.