Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing Services


Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing Services

Cyclic peptides have garnered significant attention in drug discovery due to their diverse biological activities, high binding affinities, and stability. However, designing cyclic peptides with desired properties presents numerous challenges, including structural complexity and conformational flexibility. Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeling plays a crucial role in understanding the three-dimensional structures of these molecules, predicting their interactions with biological targets, and optimizing their pharmacokinetic properties.

Introduction of Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing Services

Cyclic peptides are an essential class of molecules with a wide range of pharmaceutical applications, including as antibiotics, anticancer agents, and enzyme inhibitors. The unique cyclic structure of peptides confers them with improved stability, specificity, and bioavailability compared to linear peptides. Modeling cyclic peptide structures is crucial for understanding their biological activity, interaction with target proteins, and potential drug-like properties. By accurately predicting the three-dimensional structure of cyclic peptides, researchers can design and optimize molecules with enhanced therapeutic potential.

Fig 1. Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing ServicesFigure 1. Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing.( Merz M L, et al.2023)

Our Service

Fig 2. Cyclic Peptide Structure Prediction

Cyclic Peptide Structure Prediction

We use advanced molecular modeling software to predict the three-dimensional structure of cyclic peptides based on their amino acid sequences. This information can help researchers identify key interactions and optimize the design of new drug candidates.

Fig 3. Cyclic Peptide Molecular Docking

Cyclic Peptide Molecular Docking

We perform molecular docking simulations to predict the binding affinity of cyclic peptides to target proteins. This analysis can guide the rational design of cyclic peptide-based therapeutics with improved potency and selectivity.

Fig 4. Cyclic Peptide Pharmacophore Mapping

Cyclic Peptide Pharmacophore Mapping

We conduct pharmacophore mapping studies to identify the essential features of cyclic peptides that contribute to their biological activity. This information can be used to design more potent and specific drug molecules.

Fig 5. Cyclic Peptide Virtual Screening

Cyclic Peptide Virtual Screening

We utilize virtual screening techniques to search large databases of chemical compounds for molecules that exhibit similar structural properties to known cyclic peptides. This approach can facilitate the discovery of novel drug candidates with desirable pharmacological profiles.

The Process of Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing Services

Requirement Analysis - We work closely with our clients to understand their research objectives, experimental data, and project specifications.

Data Collection - We gather relevant information, such as amino acid sequences, experimental data, and target proteins, to guide the modeling and analysis of cyclic peptide structures.

Computational Modeling - Our team of experts utilizes cutting-edge software tools and algorithms to predict the three-dimensional structure of cyclic peptides, perform molecular docking simulations, and analyze pharmacophore features.

Data Analysis - We interpret the results of our computational modeling studies and provide detailed insights into the structure-activity relationships of cyclic peptides.

Report Generation - We prepare comprehensive reports summarizing our findings, methodology, and recommendations for further research.

Approach to Cyclic Peptide Structure Modeing Services

Machine Learning Algorithms

We apply machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets of cyclic peptide structures and predict their physicochemical properties.

Structural Bioinformatics

We leverage structural bioinformatics tools to annotate and analyze the sequence-structure-function relationships of cyclic peptides.

Quantum Mechanical Calculations

We employ quantum mechanical calculations to explore the electronic structure and energy landscape of cyclic peptides.

Advantages of Our Services


Our team of experienced scientists and software engineers has a deep understanding of computational methods and techniques for modeling cyclic peptide structures.


By using advanced software tools and computational resources, we can expedite the modeling and analysis of cyclic peptide structures.


We validate our computational predictions through rigorous testing and cross-validation procedures to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our findings.

CD ComputaBio offers comprehensive and reliable cyclic peptide structure modeling services to support drug discovery and development efforts. Our expertise, customization, efficiency, and accuracy set us apart as a trusted partner for pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and academic research groups seeking advanced CADD solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our services and start accelerating your research with CD ComputaBio.


  1. Merz M L, Habeshian S, Li B, et al. De novo development of small cyclic peptides that are orally bioavailable. Nature Chemical Biology, 2023: 1-10.
  2. Cardote T A F, Ciulli A. Cyclic and macrocyclic peptides as chemical tools to recognise protein surfaces and probe protein–protein interactions. ChemMedChem, 2016, 11(8): 787-794.
  3. Noonan T, Denzinger K, Talagayev V, et al. Mind the gap—deciphering GPCR pharmacology using 3D pharmacophores and artificial intelligence. Pharmaceuticals, 2022, 15(11): 1304.
  4. Pharmacophore modeling: Advances, Limitations, And current utility in drug discovery
* For Research Use Only.
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