Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking


Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking

In the dynamic landscape of drug discovery, Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking is a pivotal methodology that facilitates the identification of potential drug candidates with enhanced precision and efficiency. By leveraging computational algorithms and molecular modeling techniques, this approach streamlines the screening process, minimizing costs and accelerating the discovery.

Introduction of Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking

Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking is a computational technique used in drug discovery to predict the interaction between small molecules and target proteins. By simulating the binding of ligands to protein structures, researchers can rapidly evaluate a vast library of compounds and prioritize those with the highest affinity for the target, thereby expediting the drug discovery process. of novel therapeutics.

Fig 1. Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking.Figure 1. Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking.

Our Service

Fig 2. Target selection and preparation

Target selection and preparation

We work closely with our clients to select the appropriate protein target for virtual screening, and prepare the target protein for docking studies by removing water molecules, adding hydrogen atoms, and optimizing the protein structure.

Fig 3. Ligand library preparation

Ligand library preparation

We curate and prepare databases of small molecule compounds for virtual screening, ensuring the availability of diverse and high-quality chemical libraries for docking studies.

Fig 4. Molecular docking studies

Molecular docking studies

We perform molecular docking simulations using advanced docking software to predict the binding modes and affinities of ligands to the target protein, and prioritize potential drug candidates based on docking scores and interaction energies.

Fig 5. Hit identification and optimization

Hit identification and optimization

We analyze the results of virtual screening studies to identify promising lead compounds, and collaborate with our clients to optimize hit compounds through structure-based drug design and medicinal chemistry approaches.

The Process of Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking

Target selection - We work closely with our clients to select the protein target of interest for virtual screening studies, taking into account the biological relevance and therapeutic potential of the target.

Protein preparation - We prepare the target protein for docking studies by optimizing the protein structure, removing water molecules, and assigning protonation states to histidine residues.

Ligand library preparation - We curate and prepare databases of small molecule compounds for virtual screening, ensuring the availability of diverse chemical libraries for docking studies.

Molecular docking simulations - We perform docking studies using advanced software to predict the binding modes and affinities of ligands to the target protein, and rank compounds based on docking scores and interaction energies.

Hit identification and optimization - We analyze the results of virtual screening studies to identify potential lead compounds, and collaborate with our clients to optimize hit compounds through structure-based drug design.

Approach to Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking

Structure-based virtual screening

The three-dimensional structure of a target protein is used to guide the docking of small molecule compounds to binding sites, thereby predicting ligand-protein interactions and identifying potential drug candidates.

Ligand-based virtual screening

Using known ligands or pharmacologies, search a database for structurally similar compounds and predict their binding to target proteins based on similarity.

Hybrid virtual screening

This approach combines structure-based and ligand-based methods to enhance the accuracy and reliability of virtual screening studies, by incorporating information from both the target protein and the ligand compounds.

Advantages of Our Services


Virtual Screening By Molecular Docking minimizes the need for costly experimental screening, reducing overall research expenses.

Rapid lead identification

Our virtual screening studies are efficient and accurate, allowing rapid identification of lead compounds with high affinity.

Customized Solutions

Tailored services to align with your research objectives, ensuring optimal outcomes and success in drug discovery endeavors.

CD ComputaBio offers a full suite of molecular docking virtual screening services that utilize state-of-the-art software and algorithms to perform efficient and accurate virtual screening studies on a wide range of targets. By working with our team of experienced computational experts, clients can benefit from the advantages of cost-effective drug discovery, rapid lead identification, customized solutions and scientific expertise.

* For Research Use Only.
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