Protein-Peptide Docking Service


Protein-Peptide Docking Service

CD ComputaBio offers specialized protein-peptide docking services that are designed to facilitate your research and development projects. Our deep expertise in computational biology, combined with advanced docking techniques, enables us to deliver insights that can drive innovations in various fields, including drug discovery, vaccine development, and therapeutic interventions.

Introduction to Protein-Peptide Docking

Protein-peptide docking is an extremely crucial research method. Proteins and peptides play a central role in numerous biological processes, such as cell signaling, immune responses, and enzyme catalysis. Protein-Peptide Docking is mainly dedicated to delving into the interaction details between proteins and peptides. In terms of the principle, it attempts to precisely determine the binding mode between proteins and peptides through computer simulation technology. This process involves analyzing the three-dimensional structures of proteins and peptides, taking into account the interactions between their amino acid residues, including hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, and electrostatic interactions.

Fig 1. Protein-Peptide Docking Service.Figure 1. Protein-Peptide Docking Service. (Badaczewska-Dawid A E, et al., 2021)

Our Services

By leveraging advanced technological platforms and the expertise of our professional team, we enable researchers to uncover the mysteries of protein-peptide interactions, which are essential for drug discovery, biochemistry, and other biological research.

Workflow of Protein-Peptide Docking Service

Preprocessing of Protein-Peptide Docking

We initiate our service with a thorough preprocessing stage for both protein and peptide structures. For proteins without known crystal structures, we offer specific services to address this,including:

Protein-Peptide Docking Calculation

Using carefully configured parameters and specialized software, we perform the docking calculation between proteins and peptides. The computer system explores various possible orientations and conformations of the peptide relative to the protein. By evaluating the interaction energy between the two, we identify the most stable binding modes.

Result Analysis and Screening

Once the docking calculations are complete, a large volume of potential binding conformation data is generated. Our team then employs professional analysis tools and methods to conduct an in-depth analysis of these results. Our analysis services include:

Protein-Peptide Docking Methods

In our Protein-Peptide Docking Service, to ensure accurate and reliable prediction of the interactions between proteins and peptides, we employ a series of advanced and meticulously designed methods. These methods are founded on rigorous scientific principles and optimized for different types of docking requirements, which will be listed below:

Flexible Docking Method
Flexible Docking Service offered by CD ComputaBio is designed to handle the inherent flexibility of peptides. We provide accurate simulating of the actual binding state of peptides to proteins to ensure highly precise docking results by using this method.

Force Field-based Docking Method
Our Force Field-based Docking Service accurately describes the energy state of the protein-peptide system. This allows us to identify the most stable binding conformations, providing you with reliable data for your research.

Induced Fit Docking Method
During the docking process of the induced-fit docking service, we take into account the conformational changes of both proteins and peptides. This is of great significance for protein-peptide systems that undergo significant conformational alterations during the binding process

Get Started Today!

Unlock the potential of protein-peptide interactions with our specialized docking services. CD ComputaBio is here to support your research and drive your discoveries forward. For more information or to discuss your project, please contact us today!


  1. Badaczewska-Dawid A E, Kmiecik S, Koliński M. Docking of peptides to GPCRs using a combination of CABS-dock with FlexPepDock refinement. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3): bbaa109.
* For Research Use Only.
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