Protein Expression Analysis Service


Protein Expression Analysis Service

Protein difference analysis can greatly promote the discovery of new biomarkers and improve the accuracy of biomarker identification, which is of great value for clinical disease analysis. CD ComputaBio can provide more accurate protein difference analysis based on statistical data to find significant differences in protein level performance under different physiological conditions and in different tissues. In the statistical process of differentially expressed proteins, FC≥1.3 (or ≤1/1.3) is used as the statistical standard of differential proteins. Proteins with FC≥1.3 are considered up-regulation, and proteins with FC≤1/1.3 are considered down-regulation.

Overall solutions

1. Venn diagram
The Venn diagram can clearly see the number of common and unique differentially expressed proteins between the two sets of difference combinations.

Venn diagram.Figure 1. Venn diagram.

2. Volcano Map
Through Volcano Plot, you can quickly view the difference in protein expression levels in two (groups) samples, and the statistical significance of the difference. Each point in the differential expression volcano map represents a protein. The abscissa represents the logarithmic value of the difference in the expression level of a certain protein in the two samples; the ordinate represents the t-test p value. The greater the absolute value of the abscissa, the greater the multiple difference in the expression level between the two samples; the greater the ordinate value, the more significant the differential expression, and the more reliable the differentially expressed genes screened. In the figure, the green dots represent differentially expressed down-regulated proteins, the red dots represent differentially expressed up-regulated proteins, and black indicates non-differentially expressed proteins.

Volcano Map.Figure 2. Volcano Map.

Our advantages

  • The team of CD ComputaBio has a wealth of knowledge and experience. We work with many from all over the world, and our service quality is guaranteed.
  • Our research supervisor and project manager will complete your project on time through open communication channels and meet your requirements.
  • CD ComputaBio has established a professional after-sales service team to provide customers with efficient, fast and practical solutions.

Our services

Project name Statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins
Our services

1. Venn diagram
2. Volcano Map

Sample requirements Our statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins service requires you to provide specific requirements.
Screening cycle Decide according to your needs.
Deliverables We provide you with raw data and analysis service.
Price Inquiry

CD ComputaBio' statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins service can significantly reduce the cost and labor of the subsequent experiments. Statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins is a personalized and customized innovative scientific research service. Each project needs to be evaluated before the corresponding analysis plan and price can be determined. If you want to know more about service prices or technical details, please feel free to contact us.

* For Research Use Only.
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