PRKCE Targeting Services


PRKCE Targeting Services

The ε-type of protein kinase C (PRKCE) is an enzyme that encodes the PRKCE gene in humans. The human PRKCE gene encodes the protein PRKCE (Uniprot ID: Q02156), which has a length of 737 amino acids and a molecular weight of 83.7 kDa. PRKCE is an isotype of the large family of PKC protein kinases, and plays multiple roles in different tissues. In cardiomyocytes, PRKCE regulates muscle contraction through its effect on sarcomeric protein, and PRKCE regulates cardiomyocyte metabolism through its effect on mitochondria.

Research progress

Generally speaking, Alzheimer’s disease is mainly due to the accumulation of a large amount of amyloid beta in the brain, which affects the normal function of the brain. Therefore, most scientists have long focused on this amyloid body. superior. Researchers found that the onset of Alzheimer's disease is related to an enzyme called PRKCE in the brain. Studies have found that the expression level of this protease is significantly reduced in the hippocampus and temporal lobe of the brain, and the hippocampus and temporal lobe are the main areas of early Alzheimer's disease. And the expression level of PRKCE is directly related to the accumulation of amyloid. In addition, the level of PRKCE is also related to the severity of Alzheimer's disease.

Our Services

  • We can provide PRKCE agonist design services to meet your scientific research needs.
  • For the above agonists, we will screen out some of the dominant ligands for you through molecular docking, high-throughput screening and other methods.
  • Provide services such as structural optimization and energy minimization for the selected advantageous ligands.
  • Provide molecular dynamics simulation and molecular docking services between agonists and PRKCE.
  • Choose the appropriate molecular dynamics simulation conditions for you.
  • Provide related result analysis service.
  • Use statistical techniques to process data and analyze results.

Provided by Clients

Please inform us of the details about your PRKCE targeting research project after signing a non-disclosure agreement, which can be specific to the force field of molecular dynamics simulation, and the result analysis requirements.


  •  The original structure of designed agonist
  •  High-throughput screening and structure optimization results
  •  The initial structure of the simulation system
  •  Raw data of molecular dynamics results
  •  Binding free energy calculation results
  •  Other calculation and analysis results

Our advantages

  • CD ComputaBio provides you with a variety of target services for you to choose from. We have accumulated many years of experience in this field.
  • CD ComputaBio will complete your project on time and efficiently. We have professional after-sales service to provide customers with efficient, fast and practical solutions.
  • We can help you design and complete the whole process service through strict quality control on our advanced computing platform

If you want to know more about PRKCE targeting services provided by CD ComputaBio, please contact us at any time.

* For Research Use Only.
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