Peptide Library Design Services


Peptide Library Design Services

CD ComputaBio stands as a pioneer in this field, offering cutting-edge solutions for the design and optimization of peptide libraries. Peptide libraries have emerged as powerful tools in drug discovery, allowing for the screening of diverse peptide sequences to identify potential candidates for various therapeutic applications. CD ComputaBio's expertise in peptide library design services is unparalleled, providing bespoke solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. With a strong focus on precision, efficiency, and innovation, we aim to revolutionize the way peptide libraries are designed and optimized for drug discovery.

Fig 1. Peptide Library DesignFigure 1. Peptide Library Design.( Kalafatovic D, et al.2019)

Introduction of Peptide Library Design Services

Peptide libraries represent a collection of diverse peptide sequences that can be systematically screened to identify peptides with desired biological activities. These libraries serve as valuable resources in drug discovery, enabling researchers to explore a wide range of peptide structures and functionalities in a high-throughput manner. The design of peptide libraries plays a crucial role in determining the success of screening experiments, as the diversity and quality of the library directly impact the likelihood of discovering lead compounds with therapeutic potential.

Our Service

Fig 2 Peptide Library Design

Customized Peptide Library Design

We work closely with our clients to understand their specific research goals and design peptide libraries tailored to their requirements. Whether it's for target-specific screening, structure-activity relationship studies, or novel peptide discovery, we offer customized design solutions that maximize the chances of identifying promising leads.

Fig 3. Library Optimization

Library Size and Diversity Optimization

We specialize in optimizing the size and diversity of peptide libraries to ensure thorough coverage of sequence space while minimizing redundancy. By employing advanced algorithms and computational methods, we can systematically generate diverse peptide sequences that exhibit varying physicochemical properties and structural features.

Fig 4. Virtual Screening

Virtual Screening and Selection

Through virtual screening simulations, we can rapidly evaluate the interactions between peptides in the library and target molecules of interest. This process enables us to prioritize candidate peptides for experimental validation based on their predicted binding affinities, specificity, and other key parameters.

Fig 5. Iterative Design

Iterative Design and Optimization

We follow an iterative design process that allows for continuous refinement and optimization of peptide libraries based on feedback from screening results. By analyzing data generated from experimental assays and computational predictions, we iteratively improve the quality and relevance of the peptide library to enhance the chances of identifying lead compounds.

The process of Peptide Library Design Services

Design Strategy Development - Based on the project requirements, our team of computational biologists and pharmacologists develops a customized design strategy for the peptide library.

Computational Design and Validation - Using state-of-the-art computational tools and algorithms, we generate diverse sets of peptide sequences that adhere to the design strategy.

Library Construction and Virtual Screening - Once the peptide sequences are finalized, we construct the peptide library by synthesizing or generating the peptides in silico. We then perform virtual screening experiments.

Optimization - Through iterative cycles of analysis and optimization, we refine the peptide library by incorporating feedback from virtual screening results and experimental data.

Data Analysis and Reporting - Upon completion of the screening experiments, we conduct thorough data analysis to extract meaningful insights and identify potential hits or candidates for further evaluation.

Approach to Peptide Library Design Services

De novo Design

We use computational algorithms to generate novel peptide sequences with optimized physicochemical properties and structural features.

Sequence Analysis

We analyze sequence-activity relationships and conduct sequence motif analysis to identify conserved regions and functional motifs in peptide sequences.

Machine Learning

We apply machine learning algorithms to predict peptide binding affinities, selectivity, and biological activities, enabling the design of highly potent and selective peptides.

Advantages of Our Services


Our computational approach allows for rapid and efficient design of peptide libraries, reducing the time and resources required for experimental screening and synthesis.


Our team of computational biologists and bioinformaticians bring extensive experience and expertise in peptide design, drug discovery, and molecular modeling.


We continuously innovate and refine our design methodologies to stay at the forefront of computational biology and drug design, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and efficacy in peptide library design.

CD ComputaBio offers comprehensive peptide library design services that leverage the power of computational biology and bioinformatics to design custom peptide libraries for drug discovery and research. Our expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative approaches enable us to deliver high-quality and targeted peptide designs that align with the objectives and constraints of each project.


  1. Kalafatovic D, Mauša G, Todorovski T, et al. Algorithm-supported, mass and sequence diversity-oriented random peptide library design. Journal of cheminformatics, 2019, 11: 1-15.
  2. Muratspahić E, Deibler K, Han J, et al. Design and structural validation of peptide–drug conjugate ligands of the kappa-opioid receptor. Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 8064.
* For Research Use Only.
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