Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service


Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service

Nonlinear optics is a captivating and rapidly evolving field that deals with the interaction of intense light with matter, where the response of the material is not linearly proportional to the incident light. Nonlinear optical (NLO) properties play a crucial role in various scientific and technological applications, such as optical communication, laser technology, and sensing. CD ComputaBio offers a comprehensive nonlinear optical properties analysis service, leveraging computational modeling techniques to provide in-depth insights into NLO phenomena.

Introduction to Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis

Nonlinear optics is a rapidly evolving field with applications ranging from telecommunications to laser technology and materials science. By understanding and harnessing nonlinear optical phenomena, we can develop innovative solutions that transform how we use light in technology and industry.

Fig 1.The Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service.Figure 1. Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service. (Chen S, et al. 2019)

Our Service

At CD ComputaBio, our nonlinear optical properties analysis service is designed to cater to both academic researchers looking for in-depth analysis and industrial partners seeking practical applications. We pride ourselves on offering tailored solutions that bring clarity and insight into material properties.

Molecular-Level Prediction

Quantum-mechanical methods are employed to calculate NLO properties at the molecular level. The polarizability, hyperpolarizability, and other NLO tensors for individual molecules are predicted in this way. For instance, in organic molecules, the hyperpolarizability, a key parameter for second-harmonic generation, can be calculated.

Structural Optimization for NLO

Structure-optimization calculations are performed to find the most stable and NLO-active structures of materials. By varying the molecular geometry or crystal structure, it is possible to study how the NLO properties change. For example, in the case of organic crystals, the packing of molecules can be optimized to enhance SHG efficiency.

NLO Response under Different Conditions

The change of NLO properties with temperature is studied. This is important for applications where materials are used in different thermal environments, such as in high-power laser systems. Calculations can predict how the NLO response is affected by thermal expansion, phonon-mediated processes, and changes in the electronic structure at different temperatures.

Validation of Computational Models

Computational results are compared with experimental data obtained from spectroscopic techniques such as NLO spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and Z-scan measurements. This validation process helps to improve computational models and gain confidence in the accuracy of predictions.

The Processes of Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service


Gaussian offers a wide range of ab-initio and semi-empirical methods for calculating electronic structures, NLO properties, and spectroscopic properties.


VASP is a piece of popular software for first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. It is especially useful for studying the electronic structure and NLO.

Approaches to Nonlinear Optical Properties Analysis Service

Quantum-Mechanical Approaches

DFT is a widely used quantum-mechanical method for calculating the electronic structure of molecules and materials. We use DFT to calculate the ground-state properties, such as electron density.

Semi-Empirical Approaches

ZINDO (Zerner's Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap): ZINDO is a semi-empirical quantum-chemical method that is computationally less demanding than ab-initio methods.

Molecular Dynamics Based Approaches

We use classical MD simulations to study the dynamic behavior of molecules and materials in the presence of an external electric field.

Advantages of Our Services

Nonlinear optical properties analysis is a complex and multidisciplinary field that requires a combination of theoretical knowledge, computational expertise, and experimental validation. CD ComputaBio's nonlinear optical properties analysis service offers a comprehensive suite of services, from NLO property prediction to structure-property relationship analysis and comparison with experimental data. Our use of advanced computational approaches, combined with our team's expertise, high-performance computing resources, and customized solutions. Contact us to learn more about our services.


  1. Chen S, Li K F, Li G, et al. Gigantic electric-field-induced second harmonic generation from an organic conjugated polymer enhanced by a band-edge effect. Light: Science & Applications, 2019, 8(1): 17.
* For Research Use Only.
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