Molecular Descriptor Generation


Molecular Descriptor Generation

In the realm of drug discovery, molecular descriptors play a pivotal role in understanding the physicochemical properties, structural features, and biological activities of chemical compounds. These descriptors provide invaluable insights into the structure-activity relationships (SAR) of molecules, guiding rational drug design and optimization strategies.

Fig 1. Pharmacophore model-based virtual screening process for identification of small molecular candidates against a specific disease.Figure 1. Three categories of molecular descriptors.

Introduction of Molecular Descriptor Generation

Molecular descriptors are numerical or textual representations of chemical compounds that encapsulate their structural, electronic, and physicochemical properties. These descriptors serve as quantitative measures that facilitate the analysis, comparison, and prediction of molecular behavior, thereby aiding in the selection of promising drug candidates for further development.

Our Service

CD ComputaBio provides a broad array of services related to molecular descriptor generation. Our services are tailored to your unique needs and informed by the latest scientific insights in this field.

Fig 2. 2D Molecular Descriptor Generation

2D Molecular Descriptor Generation

Our team excels in generating 2D molecular descriptors, which include connectivity indices, molecular weight, polar surface area, rotatable bonds, aromaticity and many more.

Fig 3. 3D Molecular Descriptor Generation

3D Molecular Descriptor Generation

At CD ComputaBio, we're also proficient in utilizing state-of-the-art 3D computational techniques to generate molecular descriptors based on the 3-dimensional structure of molecules.

Fig 4. Molecular Descriptor Selection and Analysis

Molecular Descriptor Selection and Analysis

Our team doesn't just generate molecular descriptors. We provide a full-fledged service in which we assist you in selecting the most pertinent descriptors for your particular study or project.

Fig 5. Molecular Descriptor Database Creation

Molecular Descriptor Database Creation

We can also create and manage custom databases of molecular descriptors for your organization. This service includes updating the database as new molecules are analyzed, and archiving older data.

The Process of Molecular Descriptor Generation

Data Preparation

Acquiring and preprocessing chemical structures in appropriate file formats.

Descriptor Calculation

Utilizing computational algorithms to compute a diverse set of molecular descriptors.

Feature Selection

Identifying and selecting relevant descriptors based on their impact on biological activities or properties of interest.

Data Analysis

Analyzing and interpreting the generated descriptors to extract actionable insights for decision-making in drug design.

Advantages of Our Services

Enhanced Drug Design

By utilizing a comprehensive set of molecular descriptors, customers can make informed decisions during the drug design process.

Predictive Modeling

The use of molecular descriptors allows predictive modeling of the properties and activities of compounds.

Customized Solutions

We offer solutions to address specific research objectives and goals, Ensure that the unique needs of each client are met.

Time and Cost Savings

Our descriptor generation process speeds up data analysis and reduces the time and resources required.

At CD ComputaBio, we are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art molecular descriptor generation services that empower researchers and pharmaceutical companies in their quest for innovative drug discovery solutions. By leveraging the power of computational tools and advanced algorithms, we enable our clients to unravel the complexities of molecular structures, predict compound properties, and expedite the drug development process with confidence and efficiency.


  1. Gaurav A, Bakht P, Saini M, et al. Role of bacterial efflux pumps in antibiotic resistance, virulence, and strategies to discover novel efflux pump inhibitors. Microbiology, 2023, 169(5): 001333.
* For Research Use Only.
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