Dielectric Constant Calculation

Dielectric Constant Calculation

Dielectric Constant Calculation

The calculation of the dielectric constant is an important process used in various scientific fields such as materials science, physics and chemistry. It determines the relative permittivity of a material, which is its ability to store electrical energy in an electric field. At CD ComputaBio, we provide comprehensive and accurate dielectric constant calculation services to support your research and development needs.

Services Items

The dielectric constant calculation service helps researchers determine this fundamental property so that materials can be properly selected and characterized. Our service include but not limited to:

Dielectric Constant Calculation 2

  • Dielectric constant prediction: Our scientific team can predict dielectric constants for a variety of materials, including but not limited to polymers, ceramics, metals, and composites.
  • Dielectric Properties Optimization: We assist customers in optimizing dielectric properties by suggesting modifications in simulated designs such as structural optimization, composition modifications, and morphology changes.
  • Simulation tool selection: Our team assists customers in selecting the most appropriate simulation tool to predict the properties of the target material.


We use a variety of methods, including ab initio calculations, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, among others, to determine the dielectric constant of a material. Our scientific team applies the specific requirements of each customer's study to determine the appropriate method to ensure accurate results.


At CD ComputaBio, we use different algorithms and models to calculate dielectric constants depending on the specifics of each customer's study. These algorithms include:

  • Periodic boundary conditions: This model simulates repetitive structures in three-dimensional materials, which is important for periodic materials such as crystals.
  • Finite size scaling: This model simulates the dependence of the dielectric constant on the size of the sample, which is critical for small materials, such as nanoparticles.
  • Classical electromagnetism: This model applies the solution of Poisson's equation to calculate the electrostatic field and compute the dielectric constant.


  • Design and Development of electronic materials
  • Research and Development of polymer materials used in electronic devices
  • Optimization of material design for high-frequency and microwave applications
  • Study of molecular and interactions of nanoparticles

Available Software

Our team of scientists use commercial and open-source software such as MATLAB, LAMMPS and Gromacs to obtain accurate dielectric constant values for various material classes. The software used depends on the specific calculation method employed and our scientific team provides expert advice on the best software to obtain accurate results.

Results Delivery

We provide our customers with comprehensive reports outlining the calculated dielectric constants, including tables, figures and graphs. Our results reports provide detailed information on the specified calculation method, simulation parameters and the software used. We deliver the results within the agreed time frame to ensure prompt service delivery.

Why Choose Us?

CD ComputaBio are committed to providing our customers with high quality and reliable dielectric constant calculation services to meet specific research and application requirements. Our scientific team has extensive experience in computational materials science, backed by years of expertise and professionalism, ensuring that our services are of the highest quality. We value customer satisfaction and our rates are competitive to ensure that our customers get value for their investment.

For Research Use Only.
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