MAO Targeting Services


MAO Targeting Services

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is a family of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of monoamines, using oxygen to cut off their amine groups. Monoamine oxidase is a single molecular enzyme with multiple binding sites. It has low substrate specificity and can oxidatively deamination of multiple amines. In most cell types in the body, they are found to bind to the outer membrane of mitochondria. Because MAO plays an important role in neurotransmitter inactivation, MAO dysfunction is the cause of many mental and neurological diseases. For example, abnormally high or low levels of MAO in the body have been associated with schizophrenia. The activity of monoamine oxidase increases with the increase of people's age, which causes the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain, changes in activity, and decreases in quantity, and induces certain senile neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and depression.

MAO Targeting Services

According to reports, toxin-responsive astrocytes activate the cell repair mechanism (or autophagy-mediated degradation pathway) and increase hydrogen peroxide by triggering monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). MAO-B plays an important role in the reduction of dopamine. Dopamine hinders signal transmission. This study provides a reasonable explanation for why AD is so unpredictable: Once severely reactive astrocytes appear, neurodegeneration cannot be reversed; mildly reactive astrocytes can be restored unless they are subjected to other pathological burdens Therefore, MAO is a potential target for Alzheimer's disease.

Our Services

  • Provide professional drug design services, which can help design a series of MAO inhibitors, as well as follow-up screening and structural optimization services.
  • Provide one-stop multi-target inhibitor design services, which can evaluate the feasibility of new drugs and multi-targets for you.
  • Provide professional protein analysis services, including protein fold analysis, protein structure feature analysis, signal peptide prediction services, etc.
  • Provide comprehensive statistical analysis services, including venn diagram services, PCoA principal coordinate analysis, diversity index statistics analysis, etc.
  • Provide molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation services, a variety of simulation methods are available for your choice.
  • Provide a full range of molecular dynamics simulation results analysis services.

Provided by Clients

Please inform us of the details about your MAO targeting research project after signing a non-disclosure agreement, which can be specific to the details of molecular simulation and the requirements for result analysis.


  • MAO inhibitors design results
  • Multi-target inhibitor design results
  • Protein fold analysis results
  • Protein structure feature analysis results
  • Signal peptide prediction results
  • Statistical analysis results
  • Molecular dynamics simulation analysis results

Our advantages

  • CD ComputaBio has successfully generated a variety of targeting service solutions, providing different industry solutions for drug discovery.
  • You can inform us of your targeting service needs according to your scientific research needs, or you can choose the appropriate method according to your needs. We will provide one-stop professional services.
  • We have strict quality control at every step of the targeting service to ensure that our customers obtain high-quality data.

If you want to know more about MAO targeting services provided by CD ComputaBio, please contact us at any time.


  1. Xuan, Cheng, Zhang, et al. Molecular Targets in Alzheimer's Disease: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutics. BioMed research international, 2015.
  2. H Chun, Kim Y, Kang Y J, et al. Severe reactive astrocytes precipitate pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease via excessive H2O2-production. IBRO Reports, 2019, 6: S118.
* For Research Use Only.
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