GPCRs are the largest class of membrane-bound receptors and one of the most common targets. GPCRs influence a wide range of physiological processes, such as neurotransmission, cellular metabolism, secretion, cell growth, and immune responses. CD ComputaBio's GPCR modeling services include molecular modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, stability analysis, and more, helping researchers navigate the complexities of GPCR physiological function research and drug targets.
GPCR protein modeling is an interdisciplinary approach that combines computational methods, biochemistry, and bioinformatics to build biological models. GPCR protein modeling can characterize and identify the interactions between proteins and ligands and understand their roles in various physiological processes. Since GPCR proteins can interact with various ligands and are involved in multiple physiological functions, GPCR protein modeling is also crucial for studying their structure and function.
Fig 1. 11 allosteric binding sites reported across GPCRs mapped onto representative class A GPCR CB1R. (Zhang M, et al., 2024)
CD ComputaBio has a curated database of GPCR family models. This resource provides researchers with rapid access to high-quality models and structural information to advance their projects and discoveries. CD ComputaBio provides detailed reports for all modeling services, including methods, results, and visualizations.
Rhodopsin-Like Receptor Modeling
Secretin Receptor Modeling
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Modeling
Fungal Mating Pheromone Receptor Modeling
Cyclic AMP Receptor Modeling
Frizzled/Smoothened Receptor Modeling
01 Customer Inquiry
Engage with a dedicated project manager or expert to discuss the client's needs, project objectives, background information, and specific challenges.
02 Project Design
Based on the GPCR protein information provided by the customer, CD ComputaBio provides model-building services for thermodynamic analysis, structure, surface properties, and other analyses of GPCR proteins. The Proposal contains our specific service content, estimated timeline and cost estimate.
03 Project Execution
The client supplies the necessary data for modeling, which includes the GPCR receptor sequence or existing structure, as well as any relevant experimental data or publications that inform the modeling background. Following this, experts of CD ComputaBio begin the project implementation.
04 Result Delivery
Integrate all modeling data, analysis methods, and optimization suggestions to create a comprehensive project report that encapsulates the entire modeling process.
CD ComputaBio is your partner of choice for GPCR modeling services, combining expertise, advanced technology, and a commitment to quality. With our deep expertise in GPCR modeling, we can help you gain new insights and drive innovation in your research. To learn more about how our GPCR modeling services can enhance your work or to discuss your specific project needs, please contact us.