Fold Recognition Service


Fold Recognition Service

Fold Recognition Service

Protein folding is the process by which a protein obtains its functional structure and conformation. Through this physical process, proteins cross-fold from random to a specific functional three-dimensional structure. When translating from an mRNA sequence into a linear peptide chain, an important task in protein structure prediction is to identify proteins with similar tertiary structures, which can be used as templates to mimic the unknown structure of another protein. The process of these structurally similar proteins is called folding recognition (or threading), which is a useful method for predicting the query protein structure, especially when the query protein has sequence identity with other proteins (i.e., <25%).

Overall solution

  • CD ComputaBio provides expertise to help identify the correct structural folds in the known template protein structure of the target protein by combining sequence map alignments with multiple structural information.
  • Our method begins with the construction of a structure template database/library, and then gradually replaces the sequences of known protein structures in the library with query sequences of unknown structures.
  • By optimizing the scoring function of the design, the target sequence can be compared with each structural template. Repeat this process for all known 3D structures in the template database until the best fit is found.
  • The statistically most likely alignment is selected as the threading prediction, and the skeleton model of the target is constructed by placing the skeleton atoms of the target sequence at the position of the alignment skeleton of the selected structural template. Unlike performing only sequence comparisons, these methods utilize additional information provided by 3D structure information. The generated structural models are all quality verified and can be used for computer software or protein engineering and drug design and other downstream experimental work.

Protein structure prediction by fold recognition.Figure 1. Protein structure prediction by fold recognition.

Our fold recognition services

Project name Fold recognition services
Samples requirement Our fold recognition services require you to provide specific requirements.
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Deliverables We provide you with raw data and calculation result analysis service.
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  • Multiple threading methods to determine fusion solutions.
  • Hybrid method combining threads and other structural prediction methods.
  • Verify structure / sequence matching through energy calculation.
  • Accurate sequence and structure alignment algorithm for remote homology identification.
  • 1D-3D configuration file for similarity comparison.
  • Template database construction.


We provide a variety of protein structure modeling services, but are not limited to:

CD ComputaBio provides corresponding fold recognition services. Our fold recognition services has proven to be very useful for understanding the biochemical basis of physiological events at different stages of drug development (even in different fields such as materials science). Our team of experts can provide accurate modeling of the system you choose, so you do not have to worry about technical issues. We can also analyze these results for you. CD ComputaBio team has been working in this field for more than ten years and has published his findings in top scientific journals. If you have a need for fold recognition services, please feel free to contact us.

* For Research Use Only.
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