Electron Distribution Analysis Service


Electron Distribution Analysis Service

In the field of computational chemistry, Natural Bond Orbit Analysis (NBO) is a powerful tool for understanding the electronic structure and bonding in molecules. At CD ComputaBio, we offer a comprehensive NBO analysis service that provides valuable insights into the chemical properties and reactivity of molecules. Our service is based on advanced computational modeling techniques and is designed to meet the needs of researchers in academia and industry.

Introduction to Natural Bond Orbit Analysis (NBO)

Natural Bond Orbit Analysis is a method that decomposes the molecular wavefunction into a set of natural bond orbitals (NBOs). These orbitals represent the chemical bonds and lone pairs in a molecule and provide a detailed picture of the electron distribution and bonding interactions. By analyzing the NBOs, we can gain insights into the stability, reactivity, and spectroscopic properties of molecules. NBO analysis is widely used in various fields of chemistry, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. It can be used to study chemical reactions, predict reaction mechanisms, and design new molecules with specific properties.

Fig 1. Natural Bond Orbit Analysis.Figure 1. Natural Bond Orbit Analysis.

Our Service

At CD ComputaBio, we provide advanced natural bond orbit analysis (NBO) services, including but not limited to the following.

NBO Calculation and Analysis

We perform NBO calculations for a wide range of molecules using advanced computational software.

  • NBO occupancies
  • Hybridization
  • Bond orders

We also provide detailed reports on the NBO results, including tables and diagrams.

Reaction Mechanism Study

Using NBO analysis, we can study the reaction mechanisms of chemical reactions. We can identify the reactive sites in a molecule and predict the course of a reaction.

  • Reaction barriers Calculation
  • Transition states Calculation

Spectroscopic Property Prediction

NBO analysis can be used to predict the spectroscopic properties of molecules, such as infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. We can calculate the vibrational frequencies and intensities of IR spectra and the chemical shifts and coupling constants of NMR spectra. Our service provides detailed reports on the predicted spectroscopic properties.

Customized Solutions

We understand that every project is unique, and we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you need NBO analysis for a single molecule or a large set of compounds, we can tailor our service to your requirements. We can also work with you to develop specific analysis methods and reports to address your research questions.

The Processes of Natural Bond Orbit Analysis (NBO) Service

Data Preparation

Based on your requirements, we collect and prepare the necessary data for the NBO analysis. This may include molecular structures and experimental data.

NBO Calculation and Analysis

We perform the NBO calculations using advanced computational software. Our analysis includes the determination of NBO occupancies, hybridization, and bond orders.

Result Interpretation

We interpret the NBO results and discuss them with you. We can answer your questions and provide insights into the chemical properties.

Reporting and Delivery

We provide a comprehensive report on the NBO analysis results. The report includes detailed descriptions of the methods used, the results obtained, and their interpretations.

Approaches to Natural Bond Orbit Analysis (NBO) Service

Density Functional Theory (DFT)

Our incorporation of Density Functional Theory allows for efficient computation of large molecular systems. DFT is widely recognized for its balance between computational cost and accuracy, making it an excellent choice for NBO analysis in both small and large systems.

Post-Hartree Fock Methods

We offer advanced post-Hartree Fock methods, such as Møller-Plesset perturbation theory and coupled cluster theory, to provide high-accuracy results for challenging molecular systems. These methods are crucial for systems.

Combined QM/MM Methods

In some cases, a combination of quantum mechanical (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) methods can be used to calculate the NBO of molecules.

Advantages of Our Services

Expertise and Experience

Our team of scientists has extensive expertise in computational chemistry and NBO analysis. We have years of experience working on a wide range of projects and can provide valuable insights and solutions to your specific problems.

Advanced Software Technology

We use the latest computational software and hardware to ensure accurate and efficient NBO calculations. Our technology is constantly evolving to keep up with the latest advances in the field.

Customized Solutions and Flexibility

We understand that every project is unique, and we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. We are flexible in our approach and can work with you to develop specific analysis methods and reports to address your research questions.

Natural Bond Orbit Analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the electronic structure and bonding in molecules. At CD ComputaBio, we offer a comprehensive NBO analysis service that provides valuable insights into the chemical properties and reactivity of molecules. Our service is based on advanced computational modeling techniques and is designed to meet the needs of researchers in academia and industry. Whether you need NBO analysis for a single molecule or a large set of compounds, we can provide accurate and reliable results. Contact us to learn more about our services.

* For Research Use Only.
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