Docking-based Virtual Screening


Docking-based Virtual Screening

Docking-based virtual screening is a crucial component of computer-aided drug design (CADD), offering a systematic and efficient approach to identify potential drug candidates. It involves the simulation of the interaction between a ligand (potential drug molecule) and a target protein receptor to predict the binding affinity and potential efficacy. At CD ComputaBio, we provide comprehensive docking-based virtual screening services to expedite the drug discovery process.

Introduction to Docking-based Virtual Screening

The field of drug discovery has witnessed significant advancements with the integration of computational techniques. Docking-based virtual screening has emerged as a powerful tool that helps narrow down the vast chemical space and prioritize compounds for further experimental evaluation. It allows for the rapid assessment of millions of compounds, providing valuable insights into their binding modes and affinities.

Fig 1. Docking-based Virtual Screening.Figure 1. Docking-based Virtual Screening.

Our Service

Fig 2. Accurate Docking Protocol Development

Accurate Docking Protocol Development

We customize and optimize docking protocols based on the characteristics of your target protein and ligand library to ensure reliable and reproducible results.

For instance, when dealing with a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), we consider specific features like the receptor's conformational flexibility and ligand binding site topology.

Fig 3. Post-Docking Optimization and Lead Selection

Post-Docking Optimization and Lead Selection

Once potential hits are identified, we apply additional filters and scoring functions to refine the selection and prioritize leads for synthesis and testing. This might involve considering factors like druglikeness, synthetic accessibility, and ADMET (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, and Toxicity) properties.

Fig 4. Binding Mode Analysis and Prediction

Binding Mode Analysis and Prediction

We provide detailed analysis of the predicted binding modes of ligands, helping you understand the molecular interactions at the atomic level.

This includes hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and electrostatic forces.

Fig 5. Large-scale Virtual Screening Campaigns

Large-scale Virtual Screening Campaigns

Our high-performance computing infrastructure enables us to handle extensive ligand databases, screening millions of compounds in a short period.

This is crucial for uncovering novel hits that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The Process of Docking-based Virtual Screening

Target Preparation

We obtain the three-dimensional structure of the target protein and perform necessary preprocessing.


Ligand Library Assembly

We compile a diverse and relevant ligand library based on your requirements and the nature of the target.


Docking Simulation

Using advanced docking software, we perform the docking of ligands to the target protein, generating multiple poses for each ligand.


Scoring and Ranking

The binding affinities of the ligand-protein complexes are calculated and ranked based on various scoring functions.


Approaches to Docking-based Virtual Screening

Rigid Docking

This approach assumes a fixed conformation of both the ligand and the protein during the docking process, providing a quick and initial assessment.

Density Functional Theory (DFT)

Allows for conformational changes in either the ligand or the protein (or both) to better capture the dynamic nature of the binding process.

Ensemble Docking

Incorporates multiple conformations of the target protein to account for its conformational heterogeneity.

Advantages of Our Services

Client-Centric Approach

We work closely with you throughout the project, ensuring that our services align with your goals and expectations.

Data Integration and Validation

We integrate experimental data and literature knowledge to validate and improve our docking models.

Interdisciplinary Expertise

Our team comprises experts from various fields including computational chemistry, biophysics, and medicinal chemistry, providing a holistic perspective.

Docking-based virtual screening holds immense potential in the discovery of novel therapeutics. At CD ComputaBio, we leverage our expertise, advanced techniques, and comprehensive services to provide you with valuable insights and potential leads. Let us collaborate and drive your drug discovery projects forward with confidence.

* For Research Use Only.
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