Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling Services


Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling Services

CD ComputaBio is a leading provider of innovative bioactive peptide structure modeling services. With cutting-edge technology and expertise, we specialize in the computational design and analysis of bioactive peptides for a wide range of pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare applications. At CD ComputaBio, we are committed to revolutionizing drug discovery and development through computational simulation, providing tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients worldwide.

Introduction of Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling Services

Bioactive peptides are short sequences of amino acids that exhibit a wide range of biological activities, making them promising candidates for drug development. Modeling the structure of bioactive peptides is crucial for understanding their interactions with target molecules, predicting their biological functions, and optimizing their pharmacological properties. By employing computational methods, researchers can accelerate the design process, reduce costs, and enhance the efficiency of peptide-based drug discovery programs.

Fig 1. Bioactive Peptides Structure ModelingFigure 1. Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling.( Nardo A E, et al. 2018)

Our Service

Fig 2. Antimicrobial Peptide

Antimicrobial Peptide Modeling

Antimicrobial peptides are natural defense molecules produced by various organisms to combat microbial infections. At CD ComputaBio, we offer advanced modeling services to predict the structure and activity of antimicrobial peptides, helping our clients identify potent candidates for novel antimicrobial therapies.

Fig 3. Neuroactive Peptides

Neuroactive Peptides Modeling

Neuroactive peptides play essential roles in neuronal signaling and modulation, influencing a wide range of physiological processes in the nervous system. Our modeling services enable the accurate representation of neuroactive peptide structures, facilitating the design of neuropharmaceuticals with therapeutic potential in neurological disorders.

Fig 4. Antioxidant Peptides

Antioxidant Peptides Modeling

Antioxidant peptides possess the ability to scavenge free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage, offering potential benefits for health and wellness. Through our modeling expertise, we assist clients in elucidating the structural features of antioxidant peptides and optimizing their antioxidant activities for various applications.

Fig 5. Immunoactive Peptides

Immunoactive Peptides Modeling

Immunoactive peptides modulate immune responses and play critical roles in immune regulation and modulation. Our modeling services focus on predicting the structural characteristics of immunoactive peptides, aiding in the development of immunotherapies, vaccines, and immunomodulatory agents with enhanced efficacy and specificity.

The Process of Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling Services

Structure Prediction - Using state-of-the-art computational tools and algorithms, we predict the 3D structures of bioactive peptides and analyze their physicochemical properties.

Molecular Docking - We perform molecular docking simulations to study the interactions between bioactive peptides and target proteins, facilitating the identification of binding sites and affinity estimation.

Virtual Screening - Leveraging virtual screening techniques, we screen large compound libraries to identify potential peptide candidates with optimum pharmacological properties.

Validation and Optimization - We validate our models through experimental data and iterative optimization processes to refine the peptide designs and enhance their bioactivity and specificity.

Reporting and Recommendations - We provide detailed reports, structural insights, and recommendations to guide further experimental studies and drug development efforts.

Approach to Bioactive Peptides Structure Modeling Services

Homology Modeling

Building 3D models of bioactive peptides based on known structural templates to predict their tertiary structures accurately.

QSAR Studies

Analyzing the relationship between the structure and biological activity of bioactive peptides to optimize their design and functional properties.

Molecular Dynamics

Studying the dynamic behavior and stability of bioactive peptide structures over time to understand their conformational changes and interactions.

Advantages of Our Services


Our team of experienced computational chemists and biologists possesses in-depth knowledge of bioactive peptides and molecular modeling techniques.


At CD ComputaBio, we understand that each bioactive peptide is unique. Therefore, we tailor our modeling approaches to suit the specific requirements of our clients.


We leverage high-performance computing (HPC) clusters and advanced computational resources to ensure fast and accurate simulations.

CD ComputaBio stands at the forefront of bioactive peptides structure modeling services, offering a comprehensive suite of computational tools and expertise to support drug discovery and development efforts. By harnessing the power of computational modeling, we empower researchers and pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the discovery of novel bioactive peptides with therapeutic potential.


  1. Chen J, Yan Y, Zhang L, et al. Purification of novel antioxidant peptides from myofibrillar protein hydrolysate of chicken breast and their antioxidant potential in chemical and H2O2-stressed cell systems. Food & Function, 2021, 12(11): 4897-4908.
  2. Gascon S, Jann J, Langlois-Blais C, et al. Peptides derived from growth factors to treat Alzheimer's disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(11): 6071.
  3. Moretta A, Scieuzo C, Petrone A M, et al. Antimicrobial peptides: A new hope in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 2021, 11: 668632.
  4. Nardo A E, Añón M C, Parisi G. Large-scale mapping of bioactive peptides in structural and sequence space. PLoS One, 2018, 13(1): e0191063.
* For Research Use Only.
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