3D Molecular Modeling


3D Molecular Modeling

In the realm of drug design, understanding the three-dimensional structures of molecules is fundamental to unraveling their biological functions and interactions. 3D molecular modeling plays a crucial role in rational drug design, allowing researchers to visualize protein-ligand complexes, predict binding affinities, and optimize drug candidates with enhanced precision.

Fig 1. 3D Molecular Modeling.Figure 1. 3D Molecular Modeling.

Introduction of 3D Molecular Modeling

One of the key aspects of our 3D Molecular Modeling Services is the pharmacophore model construction service. Pharmacophore modeling involves the identification of essential structural and chemical features that are crucial for the interaction between a ligand and its biological target. By constructing pharmacophore models, researchers can gain valuable insights into the key interactions necessary for drug activity and optimization.

Our Service

CD ComputaBio offers a comprehensive suite of 3D molecular modeling services designed to meet the diverse needs of researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and biotech firms.

Fig 2. Protein-Ligand Docking

Protein-Ligand Docking

Utilizing molecular docking algorithms to predict the interactions between proteins and small molecules, facilitating the identification of potential drug candidates.

Fig 3. Homology Modeling

Homology Modeling

Generating accurate 3D models of proteins based on evolutionary relationships with known structures, aiding in target identification and structure-based drug design.

Fig 4. Pharmacophore Modeling

Pharmacophore Modeling

Identifying key pharmacophoric features essential for molecular recognition, guiding the design of novel ligands with optimized binding interactions.

Fig 5. Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Employing advanced simulation techniques to study the dynamic behavior of molecules over time, providing insights into molecular interactions, stability, and conformational changes.

The Process of 3D Molecular Modeling

Data Collection - Gathering essential structural data of the target protein and ligands.


Preparation - Preparing the protein structure, optimizing ligand conformations, and setting up the simulation environment.


Modeling - Constructing pharmacophore models, performing molecular docking, and running molecular dynamics simulations.


Reporting - Providing comprehensive reports with detailed findings, visualizations, and recommendations for further research or drug development.


Advantages of Our Services


Our services provide valuable insights into the structural features critical for ligand binding, guiding the design of optimized drug candidates.


We tailor our services to meet the specific requirements and objectives of each client, ensuring personalized and impactful results.


By leveraging computational modeling, we offer cost-effective solutions that enhance decision-making in drug development projects.

At CD ComputaBio, we are dedicated to empowering researchers and industry partners with advanced computational tools and expertise to expedite the drug discovery process. Our 3D Molecular Modeling Services offer a valuable resource for exploring molecular interactions, optimizing lead compounds, and driving informed decision-making in drug design projects. Contact us today to learn more about how our expertise in molecular modeling can enhance your research initiatives and propel the development of novel therapeutics.


  1. Qing X, Yin Lee X, De Raeymaeker J, et al. Pharmacophore modeling: advances, limitations, and current utility in drug discovery. Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research, 2014: 81-92.
* For Research Use Only.
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